Labour-INT 2

The project Labour-INT promotes inclusion of asylum-seekers and refugees in the labour market. Building on the interest and capacities of businesses, chambers of industry and commerce, trade unions and migrant associations, Labour-INT promotes multi-layered integration paths, from arrival up to the workplace, passing through education, training and job placement.
Labour-INT establishes a closer cooperation between public and private businesses, chambers of commerce and industries, trade unions and migrants’ associations by exchanging objectives, methods and practices of labour market integration of refugees and asylum-seekers.
LABOUR-INT site (read more...)
Labour Market Integration of Migrants – A Multi-Stakeholder Approach - Video
The LABOUR-INT 2 project aims to:
- promote employment as a key part of the integration process of asylum seekers and refugees in society.
- support multi-layered and multi-stakeholder integration paths for recently arrived migrants across the EU, from arrival up to the workplace, through skills assessment and profiling training and job placement.
- enhance the “LABOUR-INT approach”, based on the cooperation, dialogue and commitment of economic and social partners as key labour market actors, and to build or foster a fruitful collaboration with other relevant stakeholders both in the public, private and not-for-profit sector.
The Pilot Actions
The action includes the follow up of the three national pilot actions that were initiated in the first edition of LABOUR-INT and develops pilot actions in Greece, Italy, Belgium and Austria.
Greek Pilot Action
“Bridging the gap from reception to integration. A Holistic Approach to the Labour Integration through a multi-stakeholder cooperation in Athens, Greece”.
The objective of this pilot action is to improve the capacity of the target group to activate integration paths based on labour market inclusion together with protection against exploitation and undeclared work. The aim is the activation of multi-stakeholder cooperation for integration through labour-related activities (integration training seminars) for the benefit of international protection seekers together with a pilot testing of the EU Skills Profile Tool.
The pilot action is implemented by the Athens Labour Unions Organization (EKA) and the Vocational Training Centre of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchant (KEK GSEVEE) in cooperation with the Municipality of Athens and a number of local civil society organisations.
EKA and KEK GSEVEE have undertaken the design and implementation of 5 training seminars addressed to migrants and refugees. The aim was to provide participants with introductory knowledge and bring them closer to the local labour market through vocational training actions in the field of labour integration (EKA) and digital competences (KEK GSEVEE).
Training Seminars on Labour Integration: LABOUR INT 2 (video)