Migrant Point EKA

The main aim of the office is to help and support essentially the immigrants, mainly the working ones, through the development of an organized supportive network for all those who suffer discriminations in their work place, due to their national and racial origin, in their effort for equal exercise of their labor and social security rights.
The mission of the Office is to assure the integration of the migrants and refugees in the Greek labour market.
Content of activity: The provided services are:
- Collective assertion of the rights of the immigrants, either by participating in a union, or in an immigrant community. Empowerment and activation for the improvement of their labor conditions through collective forms of action.
- Systematic and continuous observation of the working conditions of the immigrants with the public services, social and local agencies and development of actions for the sensitization towards issues of employment and labour relations of immigrants, with the main target to eliminate discriminations and inequalities.
- Promotion of processes of dialogue and networking and coordinated intervention together with other organizations, agencies, unions, volunteers, collective organizations and other individuals or services that activate for the support of the immigrants.
- Support in the process of legalization/ integration
- Support in their relations with various institutions, services- employers, the appropriate worker’s union, the Labor Inspections, NGO’s, Migrant Organizations, State Institutions etc. (directly or through telephone call)
- Reference for legal, health, education issues, etc.
§ Empowerment and promotion of their demands through their active participation and development of contacts with other collective organizations such as trade unions, communities of immigrants, employers’ organizations and others.
The Office is open from Monday to Friday. For those who can not address the Office during the working hours, special information meetings on issues proposed by migrants are organized during Sundays (in migrant languages).
A big part of the program is dedicated to collecting and process data in order to register the problems concerning the migrants and pressuring the state for favourable changes in the legislation aiming mainly the improvement of quality of life and work.
Networking and co- ordinated intervention together with other organizations, agencies, unions, volunteers, collective organizations and other individuals or services who activate for the support of the immigrants
Systematic and continuous observation of the working conditions of the immigrants
Promotion of processes of dialogue with the public services, social and local agencies and development of actions for the sensitization towards issues of employment and labour relations of immigrnts, with the main target to eliminate discriminations and inequalities.
The Migrant Point EKA participates in the Network of Information Services and Counseling of Workers and Unemployed, an initiative of the GSEE Institute of Labor, which provides information and counseling of employees and unemployed with emphasis and priority in the fields of social security, labor relations and employment.
The purpose of the Network is to provide reliable information and support to Greek and migrant workers on labor relations, insurance, as well as on employment and training issues.
The Network provides free information and consultation services and addresses:
- to employees in the private sector in the fields of labor relations, insurance and employment policies, as well as issues of concern to employees in enterprises,
- to unemployed, in the fields of employment, education and training regarding their integration / reintegration into the labor market.
Head: Vania Nedeltcheva
Email: eka.migroffice@gmail.com