An issue of vital importance for workers and trade unions in European capitals
EKA participated in a training course on Occupational Health and Safety at Work organised by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) on behalf of the European Capital Trade Unions Network (ECTUN). In the course participated also TU’s such as CCOO and UGT Madrid, CGIL, CISL and UIL Rome and Lazio, CGT, UNSA and CFDT Paris, CGTP/IN Lisbon, GWU Valletta-Malta, FH Hovendstadten Copenhagen and CATUB Belgrade.
In addition participated as speakers researchers from the European TU Institute and the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Dublin).
ΕΚΑ was represented by the President Elias Gkioulakis and the Head of the Department of International Relations and Environment and Head of ECTUN network Dr Christina Theochari.

International Conference at Oslo
“Greece - The Forgotten crisis”
LO-Oslo, the counterpart of EKA as a capital city labor union, organized on 28 of November, 2017 an International Conference under the title: “Greece - The Forgotten crisis”.
EKA was represented by Christina Theochari, Responsible of International Relations. In the Conference participated representatives of the Norwegian labor unions and of the general public. The initiative is within the framework of the traditional cooperation between the two organizations.
Photos Titles:
1. The poster of the conference
2. Speaking at the Conference
3. With the President of Plumbers' Association
4. Meeting with the International Office of the LO- Confederation
5. The choir of the union sings Theodorakis at the opening of the conference

The Council of Europe - Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
On October the 4th a Group of Experts of the Convention for Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) of the Council of Europe, visited EKA in the framework of the assessment of the implementation of the respective Convention in our country. http://www.coe.int/en/web/anti-human-trafficking The GRETA delegation consisted of experts Ryszard Piotrowicz and Rita Theodorou Superman, the Executive Secretary of the Convention Petya Nestorova and the Administrator Markus Lehner. From EKA participated in the meeting the President George Mylonas, the General Secretary Kostas Koulouris, the Head of International Relations Christina Theochari and the Head of Immigrants’ Office Vania Nedelcheva. In the meeting, EKA presented its activities and experiences in the area of immigrants’ issues and particularly labor trafficking.

PRAKSIS Employability services & ARSIS Legal Aid services organized on Friday 22 of January 2016 the networking event: "HOUSEKEEPERS, CAREGIVERS, LIVE-IN EMPLOYEES: LABOUR RELATIONS AND RIGHTS". Presentation by Mrs. Vania Nedeltseva, Immigrants Counsellor at the Supporting Office for Immigrants & Refugees, Labour Institute of Greek General Confederation of Labor / Centre of Athens Labor Unions.
At the event participated 21 women from Nigeria, Ghana, Sri Lanka, Cameroon and other countries of Africa and Asia as well as organizations' employees. There was a discussion on labor and social security rights of domestic workers in Greece, the demands and the latest changes in legislation.
International Migrants Day - December 18th
In recent years, Greece has been at the center of global interest because of the economic crisis. According to the data economic crisis has forced young scientists to emigrate in search of better conditions and has led tens of thousands of our fellow citizens live at risk poverty.
Since 2013, world opinion has turned her gaze back to Greece, this time because of the refugee crisis. The conflict situations in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan have forced millions of fellow citizens to turn to Europe to save their lives. Greece thus becomes the gateway for these people, and particularly the Greek islands near the Turkish coast.
This year alone over 750,000 migrants have arrived in our country, trying to go to the countries of northern and central Europe, but hundreds have drowned in the Aegean Sea. The refugee issue is now properly classified as a "matter of national responsibility" by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, but stressed that “our country should not and will not turn into a storehouse of souls”. The islanders receive huge flows, nevertheless the attitude shown the compassion and solidarity that should characterize us. The same happens in Athens and northern Greece.
The Athens Labour Centre (EKA) condemns the tragic situation in Eidomeni at the borders between Greece and FYROM. It is not possible countries of the European Union, to act against the principles of the European Union and to close their borders, lifting wire fences.
The Athens Labour Centre expresses its sympathy and solidarity with the refugees and welcomes any action in favor of rights and dignity of life of refugees.
Press Release - Immigrants
After the recent tragedy in Lampeduza, deaths will not stop to happen in the Mediterranean Sea, as the number of immigrants, putting at risk their own lives to reach the countries of Southern Europe, is raising day by day. Thousands of people have lost their lives during the last years, many women and children among them.
Greece, along with the other countries of “the front line”, like Italy, Malta etc, bear a disproportionate burden compared to other European countries, as they’ve become “bin of human souls”.
Just the day after Lampeduza tragedy, three more people drowned in the island of Rhodes. The Coast Guard rescued 90 people and 95 more were rescued in Karystos...
The rescue operations are only the beginning of a long and uncertain way, as no one can guarantee what is going to happen to the immigrants next. Often these people are victims of trafficking.
Even though our country is facing an economical and humanitarian crisis, is forced to deal with the immigration issue as well.
It’s time for measures to be taken against the slavers and for the support of the countries of the Southern Europe in order to deal with the migratory flows.
Each life lost in the Mediterranean Sea is precious.
Shall we wait for another Lampeduza?
Press Release - Immigrants
After the recent tragedy in Lampeduza, deaths will not stop to happen in the Mediterranean Sea, as the number of immigrants, putting at risk their own lives to reach the countries of Southern Europe, is raising day by day. Thousands of people have lost their lives during the last years, many women and children among them.
Greece, along with the other countries of “the front line”, like Italy, Malta etc, bear a disproportionate burden compared to other European countries, as they’ve become “bin of human souls”.
Just the day after Lampeduza tragedy, three more people drowned in the island of Rhodes. The Coast Guard rescued 90 people and 95 more were rescued in Karystos...
The rescue operations are only the beginning of a long and uncertain way, as no one can guarantee what is going to happen to the immigrants next. Often these people are victims of trafficking.
Even though our country is facing an economical and humanitarian crisis, is forced to deal with the immigration issue as well.
It’s time for measures to be taken against the slavers and for the support of the countries of the Southern Europe in order to deal with the migratory flows.
Each life lost in the Mediterranean Sea is precious.
Shall we wait for another Lampeduza?
Welcome message before the 1st May 2015
he May 1st of this year finds workers in all countries of the World and of the European Union facing austerity policies, shrinkage of labor rights and social security.
Greek workers in particular have suffered in recent years of a brutal adjustment of their income, drastically reduction of wages, and large tax increases. They have difficulty in accessing a range of goods and social services due to the contraction of the welfare state.
During recent years, many EU trade unions have expressed their solidarity with the struggles of the Greek trade unions against attacks on labor, social security and social rights.
EKA is the organizer this year of the meeting of the 1st of May in Athens. Many trade unionists from several trade union organizations in Europe and around the world have expressed their intention to participate in the celebration that will be held in Athens at 11 am at Klafthmonos Square.
We welcome all of them in Athens and we thank them for solidarity.
Message de bienvenue avant de la journée de 1er mai 2015
Le premier Mai de cette année trouve les travailleurs dans tous les pays du Monde e de l’ Union européenne, face aux politiques d'austérité, de réduction des droits du travail et de sécurité sociale.
Les travailleurs de la Grèce en particulier ont souffert pendant ces dernières années d'un ajustement brutal de leur revenu en réduisant drastiquement les salaires, et de grandes augmentations d'impôts. Ils ont de la difficulté à accéder à un éventail de biens et de services sociaux en raison de la contraction de l'État-providence.
Au cours des dernières années, de nombreuses organisations syndicales de l'UE ont exprimé leur solidarité avec les luttes des syndicats grecs contre les attaques sur le travail, sur nos systèmes des pensions et nos droits sociaux.
EKA est l'organisateur de l'assemblée du jour du 1er mai de cette année à Athènes. De nombreux syndicalistes de plusieurs organisations syndicales d'Europe et du monde entier ont exprimé leur intention de participer à la célébration de 1er mai qui se déroulera à Athènes sur la place Klafthmonos à 11 heures a.m. Nous les souhaitons la bienvenue à Athènes et les remercions pour la solidarité.
Friday, January 30, 2015
"Trade Unions and Immigration: New challenges in times of economic crisis"
Hotel TITANIA, Panepistimiou 52
Participants: CGIL Rome and Lazio, CISL Rome, UIL Rome and Lazio, CCOO Madrid, UGT Madrid, CGTP Intersindical Lisbon, SEK Nicosia, PEO Nicosia, DEOK Nicosia and ETUC