Labour conditions in telework: the need for Legal Regulation - 30/9/2008

Labour conditions in telework: the need for Legal Regulation - 30/9/2008
Partners: UGT Madrid, UIL Roma-Lazio, EKA–Athens, Hungarian National Trade Union Confederation (MSZOSZ).
The project was co-financed by European Commission through Budget Line “Labour Relations and Social Dialogue”: VP/2007/001. Subprogramme 3: Improving experiences in the area of labour relations.
All partners with competences in the regional sphere, are parties of the Permanent Conference of the European Capital Cities’ Trade Unions. The project took place between 1st December 2007 and 30th September 2008.
The objectives sought by means of this project are the following:
- Understand what telework is and who the teleworkers are. Also, to analyse whether these definitions are unified across the Union countries.
- Quantify and/or estimate the magnitude of this phenomenon and its evolution in the last decade: Where is it found? Who does it affect? In what sectors of activity is there a greater presence of it? In which social and professional categories ha it extended the most? And, in any case, integrating a gender perspective.
- Analyse the real conditions in which the telework is undertaken, comparing them to the labour conditions of employment undertakings.
- Based on the results, prepare a trade union proposal for the regulation of telework through social dialogue.