Trade Unions "Green delegates" for the Europe 2020 objectives

Partner of the program 'Trade Unions’ Green Delegates for Europe 2020 Objectives
Project code: VP/2011/0188
Different traditions govern union activities across the EU, but they share the principles of autonomy, democracy and solidarity towards their own communities. For some unions the main focus is employment-related issues, while others prefer to work through local and national institutions.
This guide is intended to be a useful reference for all European trade unionists who feel the need to intervene or improve their action on environmental issues and, therefore, to increase their skills in this field. It reflects the richness of experiences which can become shared practices.
The guide does not replace the organisational choice of national unions who may have specialist green representatives, specifically trained on environmental issues, or who choose to promote a more general and widely spread environmental culture or orientation in terms of their capacity for action. Each union will define on the basis of its history, traditions, or even in terms of innovation and experimentation, the forms of organisation and the role they consider appropriate and necessary.
Nevertheless, union environmental representatives, however defined, can be the basis of a bottom-up approach to the environmental policies of the EU. They need to understand the impacts of measures for combating climate change on the economy, and they give meaning to the statement that workers can be key agents of this change.
Project Manager
CISL Toscana -
CISL Ecologia e Lavoro-
Project partners
- Arbeit und Leben DGB/VHS NW e.V – Germany,,
- Confederation of Labor PODKREPA – Bulgaria
- Confédération Démocratique du Travail – France
- EKA Athens Labor Unions Organization – Greece-
- Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique – Belgium
- Trades Union Congress (TUC) – UK