Virtual meeting, 29 March 2022, 10h-13h
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Meeting ID: 837 4687 6908
Hosted by CIT Languages - Conferences offline and online. Interpreting and online event hosting
During the conference English-Spanish translation will be available
10h – 10h10: Welcoming of participants, introduction – Gabriella Pusztai IAL Toscana
10h10- 10h30: Isabelle Schömann ETUC – Trade unions’ approach to non-financial information reporting /policy overview
10h30-10h40: Q & A
10h40-11h10: Cyprian Szyszka, ETUI Education department – Capacity building in NFR analysis: training needs and training activities for workers’ representatives
11h10-11h20: Q & A
11h20-12h40: Coffee break
11h40- 12h00: Sigurt Vitols, EFRAG (European Financial Advisory group) – The current state of development of binding NFR standards
12h00- 12h20: Joanne Houston, FRANK BOLD - A first assessment from a Civil/Social perspective of the potential effectiveness of future standards
12h20-12h30: Q & A
12h30-12h50: Antonio Ferrer Marquez, ISTAS – Talk project: a practical experience of union involvment in NFIR
Closing remarks form the partners: Francesca Ricci- IAL Toscana, Anna Kaliga and Alexander Oberdieck - Arbeit und Leben, Christina Theochari- EKA, Adrienn Bálint - MGYOSZ
12h50-13h00: Q & A

International Workshop (IW) and Technical Questionnaire
The most ambitious activities of this project are the International Workshop (IW) and the national educational activities, because they will develop the cooperation between trade-union and companies in this field, and workers’ and European Works Councils skills to participate and promote these policies.
In the month of April 2020, an IW was planned to be held in Florence, in which experts from employers’ organizations and companies experts, union experts, workers representatives and international social experts were going to analyze and debate different issues regarding in the field of corporative social responsibility (CSR) and non-financial information reporting (NFIR).
The conclusions obtained during this IW would be used by project partners to prepare a Base Document for the promotion of initiatives and training actions in each country.
Due to the current COVID 19 crisis, this face-to-face IW was cancelled until the sanitary situation improves, so it was decided to advance part of the work and the conclusions by means of a Questionnaire that will be sent to the experts of each country.
The Technical Questionnaire (TQ) intends to mitigate the postponed IW, allowing us to anticipate the elaboration of some outputs of the project. As possibly IW will have to be modified in some way, the conclusions from TQ will help to define a new proposal for the developing of the IW. As there is no certainty that it will be possible to prepare a face to face IW , results from TQ, together with additional virtual technical meetings, could allow to share, discuss and validate the results.
So, the objective of the questionnaire is to gather the opinion of the different interest groups identified in the project (employers’ organizations, company´s experts, unions, workers representatives, social partners) on the topics that were to be the object of reflection and debate during the IW.

Training and Advising on Labour Keys
This project aims to foster the debate among national and European workers’ representatives’ organisations and employers’ organisations in the field of non financial information reports (NFIR) so they can improve social dialogue at national and European level and assert their interest in shaping the European policies and the Directive 2014/95/ EU (pdf), which has mostly been implemented at a minimum level and is reaching different levels of development depending on the specific European state.
The title of this project (TALK) was chosen precisely because the background found for this kind of European initiatives and political targets shows the need of spreading the debate and the action among companies and unions, social agents and civil organizations.
NFIR are a scope for the involvement of workers and their bodies of representation in terms of social dialogue with companies and employers organizations, and their participation may promote the improvement of Corporative Social Responsibility policies and the sustainability in the European industry.
A specific target is to provide skills for workers representatives to analyse non-financial information reports disclosure by companies. Among the benefits of this task, it can be mentioned to improve the social dialogue at company level.
Project partners:
Italy: Institute IAL Toscana (Innovazione, Apprendimento, Lavoro), CISL
Germany: Arbeit und Leben/ Institute of DGB
Spain: ISTAS/ Institute of CCOO
Greece: EKA
Hungary: MGYOSZ
Technical advisor Frank Bold Foundation from Czech Republic
The project started on the 1st of February 2020 and will last until 21 of January 2022.
Αριθμός έργου: VS/2020/0065