WORKSHOP 3/5/2018
"Labor, Social and TU Rights of Refugees in Greece"
The Migrant Point EKA held a workshop on the integration of women refugees into the labor market on 3/5/2018, entitled "Labor, Social and TU Rights of Refugees in Greece" at the Intercultural and Educational Center of the Greek Council for Refugees, ”Compass".
The workshop focused on the information and education of women on issues related to labor legislation, social and labor rights of the refugees, asylum seekers and recognized refugees in the country, as well as opportunities for job search and equal integration into the Greek labor market.
The participants were unemployed female refugees aged 30-45 who are in the process of joining the Greek labor market. The seminar was conducted in English with simultaneous translation into the Greek language.
The workshop took place within the framework of the Information Services, Counseling Workers and the Unemployed Network, an initiative of the GSEE Institute of Labor, which aims at informing, informing and consulting employees and the unemployed with emphasis and priority in the areas of social security, industrial relations and employment. http://www.ergasiaine.gr/