European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) on migration #WelcomingEurope
Athens Labor Unions' Organisation (EKA) supports the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) on migration #WelcomingEurope which has been recently launched and supported by the TU.
Through this initiative the ETUC is calling the European Commission to:
- Ban the criminalisation of solidarity in EU member states
- Support European citizens who want to offer safety to people fleeing persecution
- Guarantee effective access to justice to all victims of exploitation and abuse
The ECI campaign has already been launched in several European countries, including France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, Greece, Bulgaria, Austria, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Netherlands and Finland. More than 200 civil society organisations across Europe, including ETUC members, have joined forces to mobilise our supporters and to empower a #WelcomingEurope and reclaim citizens’ right to help migrants and refugees.
The campaign is making significant progress; national coalitions have been created in 17 countries with backing of well-known public figures such as Emma Bonino, Anna Terrón.
A significant number of MEPs have also co-signed a joint statement to support the campaign.
"We strongly believe that trade unions - which are at the forefront of human rights protection and advocating for the implementation of progressive and inclusive EU migration policies - would be extremely helpful to reach a wider audience and get the 1 million signatures to create a concrete change and foster citizens-action in the EU migration policy….. We strongly encourage you to engage in supporting the initiative by collecting signatures and spreading information on its objectives." Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary of ETUC.
Please visit the official website of the campaign for more information : https://weareawelcomingeurope.eu/